The world's biggest music stores & services

Distribute your music on all of the world's biggest online music platforms, music stores, and social networks.

Get started for free.

Put out free music and enjoy an amazing percentage of commission. You will still have full ownership of your work.

Distribute Everywhere.

Both computers and cell phones work best with our system. Go with you and fit anywhere.

Share your music.

Make links that people can share and send them reminders when your new song comes out.

Dive into your data.

In a dedicated analytics portal, you can keep track of your sales, cash flow, and income data. Get detailed reports on daily trends and monthly reports on transparency.

Even more features

We are always making new products and features to help your digital music business grow.

Royalties and Accounting
Rights Management
Quick Deliveries
Client Support
Cover Song Licensing
Global Market Reach
Optimized Uploader
YouTube Content ID
YouTube Content ID

Release now

Share your tune to everyone and manage your enterprise !